During lockdown, we were thrilled to be able to keep in touch with our DA Family online. We talked on our Facebook page daily, we reminisced and shared pictures. People told us their stories, and one of those standout stories was when Victoria told us about how she met her soon-to-be Husband on our Everest Base Camp trip back in 2018.
Topics: Tales from the outdoors, Your Adventures
I’ve been holiday hunting over the last couple of weeks and found myself with tab after tab open on my browser; comparing details, inclusions and most importantly price. Before you ask, no, sadly I haven’t got anything booked yet… What can I say!? I’m too indecisive!
It’s made me realise that finding the right challenge, at the right price can often be the most stressful part. So, I wanted to break this down from a DA perspective. Whether you're looking for your first bucket list trip like trekking the Great Wall of China, or climbing Kilimanjaro, or simply looking to explore Asia on two wheels, hopefully, it’ll help you to make a smart decision a lot quicker than I have.
Topics: Your Adventures
We have gathered some of our towering challenges to see whether you can guess which reach the highest. No peeking!
Topics: Your Adventures
Topics: Your Adventures
Adventures on your doorstep: Check out UK-based Challenges
Topics: Your Adventures