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DA are partnering with Water-to-Go

Posted by Holly Moffitt on 30-May-2019 14:45:00
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Here at DA, we are always looking for ways to enhance our sustainability as a company. We're obviously passionate about travel, discovering new parts of the world and pushing ourselves to complete extraordinary challenges in all corners of the globe is our trademark. But, we are constantly asking ourselves 'at what cost?'.

We feel that everyone has a responsibility to consider how we can save the planet, even the very little things can make a huge difference collectively.  

We have a dedicated 'Green Team' at DA HQ constantly looking for new ideas that support our motto 'take only photos, leave only footprints'. 

The projects and ideas that are bubbling from the Green Team look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, in the office and on our many trips, and especially reduce the use of single-use plastic.  From recycling more than ever in the office, collecting toilet roll tubes to be re-used for the Dogs Trust in Salisbury, to keeping our use of paper and plastic to a minimum.


One of the many ways we can increase our sustainability as a company, and reduce the use of single-use plastic on our trips, is by encouraging participants to bring their own water bottle. Simple, right? Bringing your own water bottle with you on an adventure means you can fill up and stay hydrated easily, limiting any litter and minimising your impact on whichever exotic landscape it is that you are exploring. We want it make it easy for you to be a part of the solution, which leads us nicely to our announcement...

Water Bottles on an adventure


As you will likely know, staying hydrated on our challenges is ultra important, especially when you are exerting yourself in new surroundings and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. That's why we are incredibly proud to announce that we have partnered with Water-to-Go.


water to go - reducing plastic usage



Water-to-Go provide water bottles that offer a filtration system that eliminates over 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants including viruses, bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals from any non-salt water source. This means that whether you're deep in the heart of the Costa Rican rainforest or cycling across Europe, you can filter water so that it is safe to drink and you won't have to rely on purchasing single-use plastic bottles of water en route. Saving money and your planet - you're on to a winner! 


water bottles on peru adventure reducing plasticJo Bradshaw using her Water-to-Go bottle in Peru


We chatted to Jo Bradshaw, who you may recognise as our very own DA leader. Has Jo led you on an adventure with us? 

Jo is another passionate supporter of Water to Go; 

“I travel regularly to countries which have little or no recycling facilities, and where the water from a tap or a stream is not as safe to drink as here in the UK. Up until a few years ago I was part of the plastics problem but since I bought my first Water-to-Go filter bottle, I’ve stepped away from creating more of a issue in a country which can do little to recycle. 

I use my bottles (I now have 3!) in the UK without the filter too, and I haven’t added to the single-use plastic bottle problem here for a good few years which has also saved me money too.

When there is an alternative surely it’s our duty to us and the future generations to make the change and to stop being part of the problem?”

Agreed! You can make a difference on every adventure you take, so why not? Thanks, Jo.

adventure trip leader


Whether you're looking to simply do your bit for the planet, or you're due to take on a challenge in the near future, grab a Water-to-Go bottle through Discover Adventure and receive a 15% discount. Even better, Water-to-Go will donate a further 15% to our charity projects. 


Interested in our charity projects? All of our projects, from green initiatives to helping the communities we visit on our adventures, are thoughtfully selected each year. We fund a Tanzanian tour guide to gain their mountain leader qualification each year and plant a tree in Peru for every participant that rides the Inca Cycle with us, to name a few. This year, Cycle of Good is another project we are rallying behind, donating old inner tubes from our bicycles to be up-cycled into products that can be sold and benefit communities in Malawi and other poor nations. Watch this space for more on our upcoming projects!


 water to go bottle - plastic bottles